Capability Unit

When you are sending queries in ChatGPT, you are basically sending queries to a large language model with a pre-defined prompt. In langtorch, we call it "capability unit" or in real life, it is roughly equal to "a task", i.e. performing a Q&A task.

However, LLM is NOT ALWAYS all you need πŸ˜‚ and sometimes, you don't even bother using a LLM. For example, involving LLM when calculating (1287652 * 2372837) / 7.8765 + 9876 is not a good idea even with GPT-4 and the famous magic "Let's think step by step".

The true label is 387911938870 if you are curious.

For cases like this, a calculator function is preferable.

We also have built-in support for functions.

To make it simple with our langtorch jargon,

The capability unit is ONE OF:

  1. Prompt Template + Model

  2. Functions

Last updated